Road freight
International and domestic road freight
''IVI TRANS'' has accumulated considerable experience in the field of international and domestic transportation by its own vehicles in the main directions - Europe, Russia and the Baltic States.
Modes of transport available
30 refrigerator trucks, including 10 multitemperature semitrailers with thepossibility of simultaneous transportation of goods requiring different
temperature conditions (temperature range from -25 to +25);
20 container sites. Possibility to transport sea 20 ', 40', 40 'High Cubecontainers using road transport;
5 tent semitrailers - 90 m3 and 2 road trains - 120 m3.
The liability for goods carried by ''IVI TRANS'' is covered by CMR insurance policy under the CMR convention with a limit of up to 250,000 EUR and our policy also applies to such expensive goods as electronics, clothing, household appliances and alcohol.
Delivery and control
Delivery of goods is carried out by experienced drivers under the strict supervision of our specialists, which ensures a strict observance of the delivery terms and control over the safety of the goods along the entire journey. All vehicles are equipped with a GPS tracking system; all drivers have communication devices and are in constant contact;
Employees of the company "IVI TRANS" have extensive experience, professional education and numerous European certificates, confirming their high qualification and competence.
To learn more about the services or cooperation opportunities, please contact us!
Igors Kalsins (+371 29558400) • Artis Petrus (+371 25478600) • Inga Kalsina (+371 29509596)